Cautions after Dental Implant Surgery

Unlike a Dental Bridge--No Other Teeth Are Drilled

When a single tooth is missing, the two most common treatment options are the traditional tooth supported dental bridge or an implant supported crown. When a traditional bridge is used to replace a missing tooth, the adjacent teeth are drilled down in order to fit the cemented bridge in place. This method of tooth replacement can be very esthetic and functional for a period of time. However, adjacent teeth are forever compromised, and a tooth supported bridge does not replace the bone that previously surrounded the root. Since there is no longer a root to hold the bone in place, the bone deteriorates, or melts away.

It looks, feels and functions like a natural tooth
It is much more esthetic long term
It does not decay
There is no need to grind down the adjacent natural teeth
The bone is preserved, preventing a visible bony defect
It is more hygienic (easier to clean) than a tooth supported bridge



What Can Dental Implants Do?

  • Dental implants can replace one or more teeth without affecting bordering teeth
  • Dental Implants can eliminate the need for a removable partial denture
  • Dental implants can provide support for a denture, making it secure and comfortable
  • Dental implants can last a life time

Treatment Sequence

Implant is placed

The implant is inserted into the bone with minimal drilling. The gums will grow over the surgery site in about 14 days.

Bone heals around the implant

It takes aprox. two (2) to six (6) months of healing for the bone around the implant to be strong enough to support a tooth.

A temporary mini denture is delivered

While the bone is healing, a removable temporary single-tooth denture is worn for proper function & esthetics during the implant healing phase.

An abutment is screwed into the implant

The implant is uncovered with a laser. A biocompat-ible titanium abut-ment is inserted into the implant. An impression is taken. It is sent to a lab for fabrication of an IPS e-max crown.

The crown is cemented onto the abutment

The implant support-ed crown will feel and function like a natural tooth